Leela 75He had an intense desire to have darshan of Shree Siddhanath and spend Mahashivaratri there. So Krishnaji Narayan, also called Chottu Bhayya Parulkar, went with his family to Nemavaram. They had an early start and set out at about 3:00 A.M. by bullock-cart. Unfortunately, the wheel was damaged on the way. So they stopped at Hadias and got the wheel repaired. Thence, they had to cross a river. They reached the bank of the river, but the boatman would not take them across, as it was dusk. However much they tried, pleaded and were even ready to pay double the charges. The boatman said that he could not ferry them across at nightfall, and if he had to, a special permission had to obtained, as per the rules and regulations. Disappointed, they decided to break journey and stay in any temple or dharmashala nearby.
Just as they were retracing their steps, a Fakir galloped in on a white horse with a pony in tow. He enquired of the boatman about crossing the river. The same reply was given to him, saying that he could not ply the boat at night. The Fakir asked him to whom the banks belonged. The boatman said, " This side belongs to the British Raj, while the opposite bank belonged to the Holkar Government. The Fakir asked Parulkar if he wanted to cross the river. Parulkar replied in the affirmative, and his inability to do so at that time. The Fakir had a dynamic personality, and he said that he would return with the necessary permission at once.
This made the boatman tremble with fear and on his own accord; he came to Parulkar and said that he would take them across. So Parulkar, his family and the cart were taken across. The Fakir waited and ascertained that everyone was on board. Then He disappeared. The family had a wonderful pilgrimage and returned home safely.
Leela 76Baba lived in an old dilapidated Masjid. The floor was uneven, and had pits in it. The roof was rickety and barely held together. Happily, He ate and slept there, until the devotees' repaired it. Once, Baba and three other devotees were sitting and having their lunch when Baba suddenly roared, "Wait. Stop for a while." Then He continued eating. His devotees wondered to whom Baba had shouted His command. After the meal was over, Baba started collecting His meagre belongings, like
His tumrel, chillum, and tobacco bag and water pot. He brought it outside to the Sabha Mandap. Following Him, the devotees too climbed down the steps, and came to Baba's side. Just then the roof of the Dwarakamai caved in, crumbled, and fell down exactly in the spot where Baba and His bhaktas sat. Then the devotees realized to whom the orders were given.
"Whatever exists in this sentient Universe as a name, a form or a shape is only Myself bedecked as the eightfold Prakriti. It is also a marvel of My own creation!" said Baba to Dhabolkar (Sai Satcharitra Ch.3) when Dabholkar was granted permission to write the Sai Satcharitra.
Leela 77Kondaji lived in Shirdi. His love and devotion for Baba was intense. Baba reciprocated and called him Kondya. One day, Kondya was sitting with Baba and chatting. It was a hot, sultry afternoon, but there was a gusty breeze. At that moment, Baba said, "Go to Khalwadi (the place where the harvest is threshed) as your stack of wheat is on fire." Kondya rushed to the Khalwadi, checked the stacks of wheat, made enquiries and returned as everything seemed alright. He said, "Baba, why do you send me hither and thither needlessly in the" hot sun and frighten me?" Baba just pointed to the Khalwadi and said, "See the smoke rising from your granary? The central stack is on fire.At that time, the wind started blowing fiercely. Anguished at seeing the smoke bellowing from his granary, Kondya ran to the Khalwadi, shouting for help. The villagers, hearing him shout, came out of their houses, and seeing the blaze fanned by the wind, ran to Baba. They entreated Him to come and rescue the adjacent granaries, as the sparks would soon ignite them. "Please put out the fire Baba, or all the granaries will burn down. The villagers and cattle will starve without the harvest," they pleaded. Baba was moved by their pleas for help. So He went with them to the Khalwadi. Then taking a glass of water, He drew a circle around the central stack. "Only this central stack will burn. Do not try to extinguish it. It is an offering for Agnidev," He said. No sooner did He say this, the wind calmed down and only the central stack was burnt down.The devotees learnt a valuable lesson of making an offering to Agnidev, the sustainer of life. Baba had control over the five elements, viz., earth, wind, ether, fire and rain.
His 'word' was law unto them.