Leela 83
Madhavnath Maharaj asked Laxmanrao, alias Bhausaheb Pradhan to go to Baba. Bhausaheb was then working as a sub-register. He was not aware that Madhavnath Maharaj had to receive a message from Baba. Just as he entered Shirdi, the omnipresent Baba merrily said, "Nath's son has arrived and we will dine on Nath's prasad." The devotees sitting besides Baba knew that Baba spoke in riddles and parables. So they watched and waited. Just then, Laxman Pradhan walked into the Dwarkamai, bowed to Baba and sat down. Baba said, "I've got sacks and sacks of gold on a donkey's back. Thieves have stolen them on the way. A hole in the ear has to be pierced only by the goldsmith. It is very difficult to pull on, in this naughty world. Tell this much to my brother Madhavnath.Laxman understood the message and went away satisfied.
(Possible explanation): The sacks of gold refer to the abundance of spiritual knowledge that was readily available with Baba. One had only to seek and ask for it. The thieves are the six internal enemies that keep one away from that path, and robs whatever little gain one has made. A hole on the ear has to be pierced only by the goldsmith. The remedy for it is easy. If one goes to the right person, the Guru or Jnani, the task can be accomplished. But, one has to be constantly aware of the temptations of the naughty world and not succumb to it. Laxmanrao learnt a valuable lesson from Baba.

Leela 84
In 1909, Nana spent his Christmas vacation with Baba. His friend, Chintamani V. Vaidya had gone to Calcutta to attend a congress session. On his way back, he got down at Manmad and proceeded to Shirdi. A day before this, Nana requested Baba's permission to return home. Baba said, "Nana, go tomorrow after lunch." Nana happily stayed on for another day, as usual, he Nana Saheb Chandorkar followed Baba's words implicitly. The next day, after lunch, he packed his bags and sought permission from Baba. "Nana, where are you going ? Your stout youth friend is on his way here.",It was about 4:00 p.m. when Baba said this. Twenty minutes later, Vaidya arrived, and with great joy, met Nana. Baba then gave permission to go, the next day. At the time of departure, Baba said, "There was an orchard of guava fruit trees. Most delicious and delectable were the fruits. Everyone ate about twenty to twenty-five fruits. The next day, I spoiled the grove."
Possible meaning: The orchard of guava fruit trees signifies abundance. The fruit were delicious and delectable. Baba fulfilled all their worldly desires of name, fame and wealth. The spoiling of the grove indicates the culminating of the worldly desires and the opening of a new path of spirituality, this path being straight and narrow.