Leela 72
In 1912, Pilaji Gurav was thirteen years old. Both his parents dreamt of Sai Baba. His mother had a vivid dream in which Baba gave her fifty paisa and asked her to keep with the rest of the coins in the prayer room. He also asked her for a torn piece of cloth to wear. His father, on the other hand, was asked by Baba to come and live in Shirdi. " There will be no dearth of food and clothing here," Baba assured him in his dream. Both the parents discussed their dreams and decided to go to Shirdi from Korala. At Rahata, they met the munim of Tatya Patil, who brought them to Shirdi.
Tatya asked Gurav (Pilaji's father) to play the clarion, which he did but Baba would often throw stones at him though none of them ever hurt him. Gurav would run and Baba would run after him, shouting for him to stop. When he did. Baba caught hold of him by the collar and said, " I will bury both of you, father and son." Frightened out of his wits, he did not wish to face Baba again. Gurav used to play the clarion at the arati in Dixit Wada.When he went there for the arati, he opened his heart to Kaka and told him, how he feared Baba's wrath. Kaka gently reassured him "Gurav, do not fear Baba. He wants you to settle in Shirdi. This is a blessing in disguise", Kaka said.
The next day, Gurav, with a smile played the clarion for Baba and Baba smiled benevolently. After this, he was a regular clarion player for Baba. His son got employment in Baba's Sansthan. The descendents of Pilaji Gurav still reside in Shirdi and have Baba's grace.
Leela 73
Ramabai Kanitkar resided in Yeola in 1905. Many of her friends were Baba's devotees and they asked her to accompany them to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. She kept on postponing the trip. To her surprise, she found a small photograph of Baba on her table. Curiously, she wondered how it came there on its own accord. No one had given her a photograph. She kept the photograph safely.
Once, her husband, who was a sub-judge, was transferred to Kopargaon. She too accompanied him. Thence to Rahata they went. This time, she came to Shirdi and stayed in Baba's Chawdi. She developed faith in Baba, but she yearned that Baba give her darshan as Swami Samarth of Akkalkot. Baba, however gave shakshatkar as Swami Samarth to her son and daughter-in-law. They told this to her and she was fully convinced that Baba and Swami Samarth were one and the same.
Leela 74
Shankarlal K. Bhat owned a shop in Bombay. He walked with a limp and this bothered him a lot.There he tried all kinds of treatments. But he still walked awkwardly. Then he heard of Baba's wonderful powers and how He cured many diseases. He came to Shirdi in 1911 and prostrated before Baba, received His blessings and left. On his return journey, he walked a few steps to catch the ferry when he felt something snap. He took another step and was delighted to notice that he walked erect. Lo! The limp was gone and gone forever. He was so pleased and grateful to Baba that he told each and every customer about Baba's superhuman powers.