Leela 81
Out of the dakshina collected, Baba distributed about Rs.800/- or more daily. By evening, He had but a few coins left and He became a Fakir again. The news of His charity to Sadhus, Jnanis, Bhajan-singers and dancers spread far and wide. Some Brahmins from Kumbakonam came to Bombay and earned their livelihood by preaching the Vedanta. They heard of Baba's name and fame and his charitable disposition. Eager to get a huge amount of money, they decided to come to Shirdi. Unfortunately, they thought that Baba was a Muslim avalia. They were perplexed as to how they would bow to Him and further explain the Vedanta to Him. So, they discussed this amongst themselves and decided to bow to him as they would to Purna-Brahma, just so that they could amass a lot of wealth. They went to Shirdi and stood before Baba obediently. Baba just looked at them and asked them what they wanted. "We wish to explain the Vedanta in your presence and get sanmaan from you", they said. Baba agreed and asked them to start. They started explaining with a great deal of enthusiasm, but soon forgot everything. Baba patiently waited a while and asked them to continue. They looked at Baba with blank expressions for try as they may, they couldn't remember what to say next. Baba however picked up the explanation from where they had left and continued a while. Then the Brahmins finished the rest. At the time of bowing, they said "Purna-Brahma" and bowed to Baba as 'Turna-Brahma" and not Baba. Then they requested Baba for their sanmana. Baba told them, that as they bowed to "Purna-Brahma", they might receive their sanmana from that "Purna-Brahma". On hearing this vital answer from Baba, they were astonished and made Sashtanga-Namaskar. Afterwards, Baba gave sanmana to them. They went away satisfied that Baba was more than "Purna-Brahma". In fact, He was Parabrahma.
Leela 82
Naik and Shantaram were great friends. Both went to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. Shantaram was an alcoholic and couldn't stay without liquor even for a day. Baba made him stay at Shirdi for six days. During those days, he abstained from drinking and was cured of alcoholism. He never touched liquor throughout his life, thereafter. Naik had another friend, who was upset with his son, as he was ruining his life with alcohol. Time and again, the doctor advised him not to drink, but he said that he could live only on alcohol. Naik advised his friend Sonar to send his son to Shirdi. Sonar and his son started for Shirdi. at Manmad, his son started vomiting incessantly, all the way to Shirdi. as soon as he stepped into Shirdi, the vomiting ceased. They went to Dwarkamai and had darshan. Baba blessed his son and made him stay for four days. During this time, he developed distaste for liquor. In the month of Bhadrapad, there was Gauri-Puja. On the last day, at the conclusion of the ceremonies, everyone drank merrily. His friends forced him to drink, but he refused, time and again. Then they forced a glass of liquor in his hand. He pleaded to be excused, as he saw Baba in the glass. Nonetheless, they forced him to drink. Ultimately, he drank unlimitedly, and fell down unconscious. At that time, he felt that his whole body was on fire and the alcohol was burning inside him. After this experience, he refrained from drinking throughout his life.