Leela 41
Purandare had infinite faith in Baba. When his daughter or wife was sick, he knew that Baba was there to look after them. Once, his wife suffered from incessant vomiting and diarrhoea from 3.00 AM to 8.00 AM. She had continuous loose stool and vomiting. At 8.00 AM, she became cold and pulse less and went into shock. The doctor was summoned who checked her, but was doubtful if she would survive for more than an hour. Purandare was oblivious of this, as he was in the house of a goldsmith, getting a jewel prepared for his niece. When the doctor gave up hope, some one ran to fetch him weeping all the way.
On his way home, he passed the Dutta Mandir. There he saw Baba as a Fakir with a Jholi in His hand. The Fakir comforted him and said, "Don't fear for your wife, she will not die. Give her Udi mixed in water and she will recover in an hour. I am guarding all of you". Purandare reached home and found every one weeping and wailing. He just went and got Baba's Udi and mixing it in water, brought it to his wife's bedside.
Her teeth were clenched; so he had to pry it open with a spoon to administer the Udi Tirth. The rest of the family was dismayed to see this and asked him not to force the Thirth down her throat. Unmindful of their pleas, he administered the Udi Tirth. Then taking some Udi, he rubbed it all over her body.
He had a bath and performed Puja and offered Naivedya. Then he non-chalantly had his meals without waiting for anybody. The doctor came about one hour later, and found that she was recovering. Her body temperature was now normal and her pulse had returned. Surprised, he asked Purandare what he had given her. Purandare said, "I have given nothing but my Baba's Udi Tirth". The doctor then gave her some medicines and left. True to His word, his wife did not die but recovered and became healthy.