Plague raged in Pimpalgaon, Baswanth, Nasik District. Waman C. Munge, a lawyer, moved his family to his farmhouse. One night, a theft was in progress in his house. The thieves had cleverly made a hole in the wall. Munge was sleeping peacefully, and on the wall above, hung Baba's photograph. One of the thieves entered the room and taking a small box that lay below the bed, passed it to his accomplice who was outside. The box contained cash of Rs.200/-, but had some promissory notes, worth Rs.4000/-. Next, the thief was in the process of lifting a huge trunk that was in front of the cot. This trunk was valuable as it contained the family jewelry, worth about Rs.10,000/-. Baba was watching all this from the photograph above the bed. At that very instant, Baba appeared in his dream, woke him and warned him of the theft. So, he started shouting at the top of his voice. His sister-in-law also joined him. The commotion woke the whole family, the servants and the watchman. They chased the thieves who escaped, or so it seemed. The next day, the small box was found, lying in the field nearby. The cash, however, was missing, but the promissory notes were intact. On that day, he had a dream vision, in which he saw Baba, Abdul and another Fakir (Abdul's Guru). Subsequently, he visited Shirdi and saw the Trio there. Some days later, Shri Datta Brahmachari of Kopargaon, visited him for lunch. He told Munge that the lost property was recovered. The police had raided a Marwari, and confiscated many stolen goods from him. The police officer also arrived at Munge's house and informed him of the raid. Subsequently, with proper identification, he recovered his money.