Sri Sai Baba told Nana Saheb one day that he would give him advice about wealth and that Nana should follow it. Nana promised.
Baba said "If any one begs for anything in your power or possession, give it if you can. If you cannot, give a suave negative reply. Do not mock, ridicule or get angry with the applicant. If you do not like to give do not say that you have not got the article when in fact you have. Do not resort to such indirect methods. Will you remember?"
Some months later, Nana was being pressed by a saint at Kopergaon (which lay on his way from Ahmadnagar to Shirdi) to provide funds for building a stone flight of steps to the Datta Temple -a temple which Nana always visited enroute to Shirdi. Nana had promised a gift of Rs. 300 but came on this occasion without any money for the construction. He felt it some what distressing to go to the temple as usual, as he would have to explain to the saint why no money was brought. So be deviated from his straight route and took an unusual bypath to avoid the temple and the saint. The bypath was full of thorns and both Nana and his friend ran thorns in their feet and other parts of their body.
Would not Talk : (Mitra dandam abashanam):
When they reached Shirdi, Baba would not, for a long time, welcome him or talk even a single word to him which was quite the reverse of the usual practice of Baba. Sorely distressed, Nana asked Baba the reason for such treatment. Baba said, he did not like to talk to persons who promised to remember lessons taught but failed to keep up the promise. Nana protested that he remembered and followed Baba's lessons.
Baba: "You, sir, avoid seeing "Sircar" (i.e., God Datta) and take a devious route. Why? Because the saint would ask you for the Rs. 300. Is this the way to remember my lessons? If you could not get the money, you could go and tell him so. Would he eat you, if you faced him? But what device is this, getting away from seeing God Datta on your way and going by an indirect route? And have not thorns got into you and your friend? How am I to talk with such a person?" Nana repented his mistake and promised to amend his ways in the future.
Duty to respect holy objects en route: The sastras declare that one should circumambulate and worship images, cows, if they adjoin one's route. Nana Saheb thus usually worshipped the holy image of Datta on the banks of the Godavari at Kopergaon on his way to Shirdi God Dattardi. Once when he was taking his brother-in-law to Shirdi, he dissuaded the latter from going to that temple to avoid loss of time. When they reached Shirdi, Baba was very angry.
With Beggars :
On another occasion, Baba gave Nana another lesson.
Baba: "Nana, if anyone comes and begs for anything, give as much as you can or care to give. If that person be not satisfied and ask for more, refuse it courteously. Do not flare into a passion or parade ail your official authority".
Nana promised to follow the advice as it seemed very easy. Some six months after this advice was given, Nana Saheb was at his own house at Kalyan, upstairs. A beggar woman came to that house and was pestering Mrs. Nana Saheb with repeated requests for more and more of Bhajani (fried mixture of grains) . Mrs. Nana had given half her stock and the beggar wanted the whole stock and refused to budge an inch, unless and until her demand was complied with. Mrs. Nana lost all patience, sent for her husband and told him the facts. Nana Saheb grew angry and calling out for a peon, told the beggar "If you do not quickly receive what is gives and go away, the peon will neck you out of the bouse".
Knew It All:
When next Nana visited Baba, the latter would not talk to him. Nana wondered what the matter was and finally asked Baba the reason for the chill reception.
Baba "How can I talk to one who does not care for the advice I have given?"
Nana: "Baba, what lesson have I forgotten?"
Baba : "That day when the beggar was importuning you for Bhajani, why did you call your peon to expel her and why did you show all your official hauteur? What did it matter if she stayed some time longer with her prayers for more? If you gently refused, she would have ultimately left quietly. Why call for a peon to expel her bodily?"
Nana recalled the event and recognised how the previous advice exactly applied to that event. He repented and resolved to amend.
To Believe That Gyan And Bhakti, Knowledge And Devotion Are Different From Each Other Is Ignorance ; As Gyan And Bhakti Are One And The Same.To Promote Sai Bhakti Is To Promote Gyan And Therefore The Removal Of Agyan Or Ignorance. It Is Therefore Duty Of Every Sai Bhakt To Share And Spread Their Knowledge About Baba. |
24 January 2009

Sri Sai Baba, endowed with highest Siddhis and lofty realisation, set himself to the task of towing dull souls on their spiritual roads, and issued wide charters for the protection of all their interests whether trivial or highly momentous. Marriage of daughters is classed in the latter category, especially by those who have a large quiverful of such progeny. Sai's help has endeared him to the devotees, who style him their 'Ayi' (i.e., mother) and in such cases as their 'Match-making Ayi or amma'. A few instances will suffice to show how well he deserves that epithet.
Mr. G. D. Pandit of Colaba was wandering hither and thither for two years in quest of a bridegroom. Finally he made a vow that if he should secure one in fifteen days, he would start on pilgrimage to see Baba at Shirdi. Then an eligible young gentleman of distant Hyderabad came ol his own accord to Pandit's house, took a fancy for his daughter and wedded her within fifteen davs.
Help for Helpless :
A poor orphan girl had naturally innumerable obstacles in finding a match for herself. She was then advised to make a daily pious study of Sai Satcharita - Baba's life. And she started that study. The very next day, a person arrived on the scene, took interest in her, made the necessary inquiries, and married her within a week.
These are ordinary cases. Below are given instances of the indubitable intervention of Baba's mighty hand working amidst mystery with irresistible force.
Mr. Ganash Keshav Rege, a staunch devotee of Baba, in "lather poor circumstances (though an Amin of the Holkar's State) wrote dolorous lines in the Sai Lila Magazine about the lot of those who have a superabundance of feminine issue '' , and whose conception of Paradise must be a place where there are no more daughters to dispose of. In order to get a husband for his fourth daughter, he took leave and was tossing from post to pillar and pillar to post. Sometimes he seemed to be on the verge of success, but an unkind fate was shattering his hopes at the crucial moment.
Voice of Command :
One day he sat at Anjangaon steeped in care. Suddenly he heard the words "Go to Jirapur". The words were loud and clear but not uttered by any visible or traceable person. One of the ways adopted by Baba for his beneficent activity is to send his devotee an "Asariri Vali" (a voice without a body to utter it) and create a strong conviction that the voice is Baba's. Mr. Rege felt this conviction and concluded that Baba had issued an order, evidently to settle the marriage problem. But how could a visit to Jirapur serve any useful purpose? He knew none there and had no business or influence in that locality. While he was yet wondering, he got an additional surprise, an order to rejoin duty and join at Jirapur. Here evidently was Baba's hand, giving him facilities to carry out his order. So he went and joined duty as ordered and made inquiries about the matrimonial possibilities of this new field. He then found at Soyath, a village some distance off, an eligible person Negotiations were quickly carried through and within a month of that "bodiless voice" his daughter's wedding was an accomplished fact.
Bridegroom Mentioned :
Mr. Ganesh D. Vaidya's younger daughter had to be married. After repeated unsuccessful efforts to find a son-in-law, the anxious father was feeling very much worried. One morning Baba appeared to him in a dream and saying "Why are you anxious? Kesava Dixit has a son", showed him the figure of that boy. He got up in wonder as he had never heard of any such persons as Kesava Dixit and his son. Mr. Vaidya's son however informed him that some Dixit, son of Kesava, and with the features seen in the dream was in his office though the community to which he belonged had yet to as ascertained. On further inquiry about community, fitness, willingness etc., Kesava Dixit's son was traced and married to Miss Vaidya.
Dowry Temptation :
The next case is still more striking. Mr. Gopal Ganesh Shiriyan had been an ardent devotee of Sri Sai Baba since 1911. He had vision of Baba at his own place several times and frequently obtained by prayer quick relief for his troubles. About 1924, he had entered into a "gentleman's agreement" with a friend, that his daughter should wed the latter's son after some years. But as years passed, the boy's progress in collegiate education raised his value, and bis father resiled from the agreement and was arranging a match elsewhere that would bring in a good Karini i.e., a handsome 'bridegroom price'. When this reached Mr. Shiriyan's ears he felt very much annoyed. To whom could he unburden his sorrow and complain, except to the "Ayi" ever present with him? In answer, Sri Sai gave a remarkable and definite assurance: "Do not worry yourself. I will get you that same boy as your son-in law in two years time". Sometime thereafter, the new arrangements by the boy's father fell through. As days passed, the conscience of the educated youth (evidently spurred on by Sri Sai from within) became so assertive that he Impressed on his parents the extreme impropriety of breaking one's plighted word to secure a pecuniary profit. At last, the friend confirmed the original pact and celebrated the marriage, within the limit of time fixed by Baba.
Quite Punctual :
We shall close with one more instance of Baba's "match promoting'' , after his Mahasamadhi. A sister of Mr. Moreshwar Balakrishna Chowhan had to be married. In 1923, a certain gentleman had expressed himself as satisfied with the young lady but a formal letter of acceptance had to be sent by him to complete contact. For 6 months Mr. Chowhan's mother waited and was well nigh despairing of it. One night she approached the portrait of Baba that she worshipped and said "Baba! You give experience of your miraculous powers to all. Why not give it to us? My daughter ii still a spinster and I am greatly worried over it. If you have any power, then I must get a reply approving of the match by to-morrow". This was in effect, a notice challenging Baba to prove within 24 hours that his reputation for achieving wonders for his devotees was well-founded. That night she dreamed that on the next morning at 9 a.m. as she sat by her son's side, the postman delivered a letter containing the final acceptance. In point of fact, at 9 a.m. next morning she sat by him and began to narrate the dream. The postman then peeped in and dropped a letter. That was from the long hesitating party and containing the acceptance she had so long waited for. Baba stood the assay. He is sterling gold.
Sri Sai Baba, endowed with highest Siddhis and lofty realisation, set himself to the task of towing dull souls on their spiritual roads, and issued wide charters for the protection of all their interests whether trivial or highly momentous. Marriage of daughters is classed in the latter category, especially by those who have a large quiverful of such progeny. Sai's help has endeared him to the devotees, who style him their 'Ayi' (i.e., mother) and in such cases as their 'Match-making Ayi or amma'. A few instances will suffice to show how well he deserves that epithet.
Mr. G. D. Pandit of Colaba was wandering hither and thither for two years in quest of a bridegroom. Finally he made a vow that if he should secure one in fifteen days, he would start on pilgrimage to see Baba at Shirdi. Then an eligible young gentleman of distant Hyderabad came ol his own accord to Pandit's house, took a fancy for his daughter and wedded her within fifteen davs.
Help for Helpless :
A poor orphan girl had naturally innumerable obstacles in finding a match for herself. She was then advised to make a daily pious study of Sai Satcharita - Baba's life. And she started that study. The very next day, a person arrived on the scene, took interest in her, made the necessary inquiries, and married her within a week.
These are ordinary cases. Below are given instances of the indubitable intervention of Baba's mighty hand working amidst mystery with irresistible force.
Mr. Ganash Keshav Rege, a staunch devotee of Baba, in "lather poor circumstances (though an Amin of the Holkar's State) wrote dolorous lines in the Sai Lila Magazine about the lot of those who have a superabundance of feminine issue '' , and whose conception of Paradise must be a place where there are no more daughters to dispose of. In order to get a husband for his fourth daughter, he took leave and was tossing from post to pillar and pillar to post. Sometimes he seemed to be on the verge of success, but an unkind fate was shattering his hopes at the crucial moment.
Voice of Command :
One day he sat at Anjangaon steeped in care. Suddenly he heard the words "Go to Jirapur". The words were loud and clear but not uttered by any visible or traceable person. One of the ways adopted by Baba for his beneficent activity is to send his devotee an "Asariri Vali" (a voice without a body to utter it) and create a strong conviction that the voice is Baba's. Mr. Rege felt this conviction and concluded that Baba had issued an order, evidently to settle the marriage problem. But how could a visit to Jirapur serve any useful purpose? He knew none there and had no business or influence in that locality. While he was yet wondering, he got an additional surprise, an order to rejoin duty and join at Jirapur. Here evidently was Baba's hand, giving him facilities to carry out his order. So he went and joined duty as ordered and made inquiries about the matrimonial possibilities of this new field. He then found at Soyath, a village some distance off, an eligible person Negotiations were quickly carried through and within a month of that "bodiless voice" his daughter's wedding was an accomplished fact.
Bridegroom Mentioned :
Mr. Ganesh D. Vaidya's younger daughter had to be married. After repeated unsuccessful efforts to find a son-in-law, the anxious father was feeling very much worried. One morning Baba appeared to him in a dream and saying "Why are you anxious? Kesava Dixit has a son", showed him the figure of that boy. He got up in wonder as he had never heard of any such persons as Kesava Dixit and his son. Mr. Vaidya's son however informed him that some Dixit, son of Kesava, and with the features seen in the dream was in his office though the community to which he belonged had yet to as ascertained. On further inquiry about community, fitness, willingness etc., Kesava Dixit's son was traced and married to Miss Vaidya.
Dowry Temptation :
The next case is still more striking. Mr. Gopal Ganesh Shiriyan had been an ardent devotee of Sri Sai Baba since 1911. He had vision of Baba at his own place several times and frequently obtained by prayer quick relief for his troubles. About 1924, he had entered into a "gentleman's agreement" with a friend, that his daughter should wed the latter's son after some years. But as years passed, the boy's progress in collegiate education raised his value, and bis father resiled from the agreement and was arranging a match elsewhere that would bring in a good Karini i.e., a handsome 'bridegroom price'. When this reached Mr. Shiriyan's ears he felt very much annoyed. To whom could he unburden his sorrow and complain, except to the "Ayi" ever present with him? In answer, Sri Sai gave a remarkable and definite assurance: "Do not worry yourself. I will get you that same boy as your son-in law in two years time". Sometime thereafter, the new arrangements by the boy's father fell through. As days passed, the conscience of the educated youth (evidently spurred on by Sri Sai from within) became so assertive that he Impressed on his parents the extreme impropriety of breaking one's plighted word to secure a pecuniary profit. At last, the friend confirmed the original pact and celebrated the marriage, within the limit of time fixed by Baba.
Quite Punctual :
We shall close with one more instance of Baba's "match promoting'' , after his Mahasamadhi. A sister of Mr. Moreshwar Balakrishna Chowhan had to be married. In 1923, a certain gentleman had expressed himself as satisfied with the young lady but a formal letter of acceptance had to be sent by him to complete contact. For 6 months Mr. Chowhan's mother waited and was well nigh despairing of it. One night she approached the portrait of Baba that she worshipped and said "Baba! You give experience of your miraculous powers to all. Why not give it to us? My daughter ii still a spinster and I am greatly worried over it. If you have any power, then I must get a reply approving of the match by to-morrow". This was in effect, a notice challenging Baba to prove within 24 hours that his reputation for achieving wonders for his devotees was well-founded. That night she dreamed that on the next morning at 9 a.m. as she sat by her son's side, the postman delivered a letter containing the final acceptance. In point of fact, at 9 a.m. next morning she sat by him and began to narrate the dream. The postman then peeped in and dropped a letter. That was from the long hesitating party and containing the acceptance she had so long waited for. Baba stood the assay. He is sterling gold.

Besides Contentment, Renunciation and Surrender many other lessons were taught by Baba to Nana. For example, the conquest of the six internal enemies, the attraction of woman and wealth, anger, covetousness, delusion, pride, and jealousy – was pressed home and Baba even inflicted light punishments or rebuke for the neglect of lessons imparted.
One day as Nana was seated by Baba’s side, a young Muslim lady unveiled her face and placed it on Baba’s feet and in a few seconds resumed her veil. But her face was one of rare beauty and Nana Saheb was so much smitten with her beauty that he wished very much to see her face once more. At once Baba slapped him on the thigh and after the lady left the premises asked Nana, if he knew the reason for the slap on the thigh.
Nana: How can I hide anything from the Omniscience of my Guru? But I do not understand how such low thoughts should sway my mind when I am in your immediate presence.
Baba: You are a man after all, are you not? The body is swayed by desires, which spring up as soon as a sense-object approaches within sight. But are there not many lovely and well coloured temples? Do we go there to admire the exterior or to see and worship the God within? When you are seeing God, does your mind care for the outside beauty? God is to be seen in every object as much as in temples. Seeing a human form we have not to busy ourselves with the exterior beauty or ugliness but only to concentrate on the form and nature of God. There is no harm in looking at the exterior. But that must be accompanied by reverential awe at the power of God to produce such beautiful bodies and by a desire to see how God resides therein and admire His beauty. Nana, if you had thought on these lines, no desire to have a second look at the young lady’s face would have crept into you. Bear this in mind.
Nana did keep this lesson in mind and he had a good opportunity to manifest his reverence for a very beautiful Muslim lady, named Bannu Mayi. She was aged only about twenty but was in a highly advanced spiritual condition. Leaving her mother at her home in Bhodegaon, she would be roaming stark-naked everywhere and often concealed herself in prickly pear bushes. There were plenty of thorns embedded in her body and she never cared to extract them. She did not care for meals or sleep. Her mother and other villagers believed her to be insane. Only a few believed her to be a Saint. Nana Saheb was one of the few. He knew that it was a hard feat to get her to sit a while and receive his worship. So he went to Baba and wanted his permission and blessings for the success of his enterprise. Baba first pointed out that there was no need to go and see that saint; seeing that Nana was persistent and pure in his intention, blessed him with the assurance that he would succeed in getting the lady’s darsan.
Nana Saheb went up to the saint’s village and made a vigorous search for her and numerous enquiries about her whereabouts, all to no purpose. Nay, the inquiries were resented by some villagers who could not appreciate such inquiries about that naked lady. Nana was getting hopeless of success. He closed his eyes in prayer to Baba. As soon as he opened his eyes, there in front of him, on the road stood Bannu Mayi. He fell at her feet and tried to extract some thorns. But the impatient saint ran away into some prickly pear bushes where he could not follow her; and she disappeared. Nana Saheb had taken with him a companion who tired to induce him to get back to Ahmednagar. But Nana had planned a large programme of service. He had put up a tent and laced within it all accessories for a warm bath including warm water, scented oil, soap nut powder, a new saree, a bodice, a neck-string with a bit of gold in it, (Mangala Sutra), etc., He relied on Baba’s blessings and prayed to Baba again.
In an instant, the saint returned and without any invitation entered the tent, had her bath and wore the clothes and the ornament. Nana Saheb fell at her feet and worshipped her. Instantly she got up, flung away all drapery and ornament and disappeared. News spread in the village about this marvellous transformation of Bannu Mayi into a well-clad and bedecked lady; and her mother came up and saw the tent and the articles. She then poured the vials of her wrath on the devoted head of Nana, convinced that he could have no other than low and sordid desires in approaching her daughter, and she disbelieved the statement that the transformation was due to Baba’s power. Anyhow, she was placated by being allowed to take away all the articles presented to and discarded by her daughter.
Nana Saheb retired for rest and refreshment to a temple in that village. He bolted the door of the sanctuary room from within and spent his night alone with the image. Early morning he prayed Baba (with closed eyes) that before he left the village in the morning he might be granted one more opportunity to worship the lady saint. As soon as he opened his eyes there sat Bannu Mayi within the bolted sanctuary, into which it was impossible for any ordinary human being to enter. Nana worshipped the saint and she disappeared.
Besides Contentment, Renunciation and Surrender many other lessons were taught by Baba to Nana. For example, the conquest of the six internal enemies, the attraction of woman and wealth, anger, covetousness, delusion, pride, and jealousy – was pressed home and Baba even inflicted light punishments or rebuke for the neglect of lessons imparted.
One day as Nana was seated by Baba’s side, a young Muslim lady unveiled her face and placed it on Baba’s feet and in a few seconds resumed her veil. But her face was one of rare beauty and Nana Saheb was so much smitten with her beauty that he wished very much to see her face once more. At once Baba slapped him on the thigh and after the lady left the premises asked Nana, if he knew the reason for the slap on the thigh.
Nana: How can I hide anything from the Omniscience of my Guru? But I do not understand how such low thoughts should sway my mind when I am in your immediate presence.
Baba: You are a man after all, are you not? The body is swayed by desires, which spring up as soon as a sense-object approaches within sight. But are there not many lovely and well coloured temples? Do we go there to admire the exterior or to see and worship the God within? When you are seeing God, does your mind care for the outside beauty? God is to be seen in every object as much as in temples. Seeing a human form we have not to busy ourselves with the exterior beauty or ugliness but only to concentrate on the form and nature of God. There is no harm in looking at the exterior. But that must be accompanied by reverential awe at the power of God to produce such beautiful bodies and by a desire to see how God resides therein and admire His beauty. Nana, if you had thought on these lines, no desire to have a second look at the young lady’s face would have crept into you. Bear this in mind.
Nana did keep this lesson in mind and he had a good opportunity to manifest his reverence for a very beautiful Muslim lady, named Bannu Mayi. She was aged only about twenty but was in a highly advanced spiritual condition. Leaving her mother at her home in Bhodegaon, she would be roaming stark-naked everywhere and often concealed herself in prickly pear bushes. There were plenty of thorns embedded in her body and she never cared to extract them. She did not care for meals or sleep. Her mother and other villagers believed her to be insane. Only a few believed her to be a Saint. Nana Saheb was one of the few. He knew that it was a hard feat to get her to sit a while and receive his worship. So he went to Baba and wanted his permission and blessings for the success of his enterprise. Baba first pointed out that there was no need to go and see that saint; seeing that Nana was persistent and pure in his intention, blessed him with the assurance that he would succeed in getting the lady’s darsan.
Nana Saheb went up to the saint’s village and made a vigorous search for her and numerous enquiries about her whereabouts, all to no purpose. Nay, the inquiries were resented by some villagers who could not appreciate such inquiries about that naked lady. Nana was getting hopeless of success. He closed his eyes in prayer to Baba. As soon as he opened his eyes, there in front of him, on the road stood Bannu Mayi. He fell at her feet and tried to extract some thorns. But the impatient saint ran away into some prickly pear bushes where he could not follow her; and she disappeared. Nana Saheb had taken with him a companion who tired to induce him to get back to Ahmednagar. But Nana had planned a large programme of service. He had put up a tent and laced within it all accessories for a warm bath including warm water, scented oil, soap nut powder, a new saree, a bodice, a neck-string with a bit of gold in it, (Mangala Sutra), etc., He relied on Baba’s blessings and prayed to Baba again.
In an instant, the saint returned and without any invitation entered the tent, had her bath and wore the clothes and the ornament. Nana Saheb fell at her feet and worshipped her. Instantly she got up, flung away all drapery and ornament and disappeared. News spread in the village about this marvellous transformation of Bannu Mayi into a well-clad and bedecked lady; and her mother came up and saw the tent and the articles. She then poured the vials of her wrath on the devoted head of Nana, convinced that he could have no other than low and sordid desires in approaching her daughter, and she disbelieved the statement that the transformation was due to Baba’s power. Anyhow, she was placated by being allowed to take away all the articles presented to and discarded by her daughter.
Nana Saheb retired for rest and refreshment to a temple in that village. He bolted the door of the sanctuary room from within and spent his night alone with the image. Early morning he prayed Baba (with closed eyes) that before he left the village in the morning he might be granted one more opportunity to worship the lady saint. As soon as he opened his eyes there sat Bannu Mayi within the bolted sanctuary, into which it was impossible for any ordinary human being to enter. Nana worshipped the saint and she disappeared.

Nana’s daughter lost the child within a few months, and had lost her husband some months earlier. She thus becomes an issueless widow at the age of seventeen. This cast a gloom over the whole family. Sometime later, Nana Saheb went with his family to Baba and sat in glum silence before him.
Baba: Why are you so silent?
Nana: You know everything. While we are under your care, these calamities have befallen us, loss of child, loss of son-in-law, etc.,
Baba: If you care for child, etc. , don’t come to me for these. These are not in my power. These (i.e., birth of child and death of relatives) are dependent or Poorva Karma. Even Parameshwar, Great God Himself, who has created this entire world cannot alter these. Do you think He can tell the Sun or Moon , “Rise some two yards farther away from your appointed place?” No, He cannot and will not. That will produce disorder, chaos.
Nana: If that is so, how is it that you tell some one that he will have a son and he gets a son and you tell another that he will get employment, and he gets it? Are these not your chamatkar i.e., miracles?
Baba: No, Nana, I perform no miracles. You have your village astrologers; They work two or four days ahead and give out their predictions. Some of them come true. I look farther ahead. What I say happens. My art also is a sort of astrology. But you people do not understand this. To you, my words look like miracles – because you do not know the future. So you regard events as proofs of my miracle-working power and turn your reverence to me. I, in my turn, direct your reverence to God, and see that you are really benefited.
These words of Baba strongly remind one of Lord Buddha’s interdiction against ,“Miracle-working”. Yet according to the popular view Lord Buddha worked many a miracle. These apparent self-contradictions in Buddha and Krishna have their explanation and some attempt will be made in later chapter to offer some hints on the subject. Here it is enough to say that Baba was referring to certain facts as fixed by superhuman agency, which man has to accept and face. He was frequently saying in the words of Kabir, ‘You must be content with the lot assigned to you by God.” “Have Faith and Patience”. Baba taught both by example and precept that real happiness and success in life here and hereafter come to the man who grasps not, but renounces, who surrenders all his will to his God and Guru. Baba helped his sincere devotees to make this surrender, by attending to every want of theirs, once they tried to make their surrender or even started making it. Did not Krishna say that he attends to the welfare of those who surrender themselves and think solely of Him at all times with complete faith?
Nana’s daughter lost the child within a few months, and had lost her husband some months earlier. She thus becomes an issueless widow at the age of seventeen. This cast a gloom over the whole family. Sometime later, Nana Saheb went with his family to Baba and sat in glum silence before him.
Baba: Why are you so silent?
Nana: You know everything. While we are under your care, these calamities have befallen us, loss of child, loss of son-in-law, etc.,
Baba: If you care for child, etc. , don’t come to me for these. These are not in my power. These (i.e., birth of child and death of relatives) are dependent or Poorva Karma. Even Parameshwar, Great God Himself, who has created this entire world cannot alter these. Do you think He can tell the Sun or Moon , “Rise some two yards farther away from your appointed place?” No, He cannot and will not. That will produce disorder, chaos.
Nana: If that is so, how is it that you tell some one that he will have a son and he gets a son and you tell another that he will get employment, and he gets it? Are these not your chamatkar i.e., miracles?
Baba: No, Nana, I perform no miracles. You have your village astrologers; They work two or four days ahead and give out their predictions. Some of them come true. I look farther ahead. What I say happens. My art also is a sort of astrology. But you people do not understand this. To you, my words look like miracles – because you do not know the future. So you regard events as proofs of my miracle-working power and turn your reverence to me. I, in my turn, direct your reverence to God, and see that you are really benefited.
These words of Baba strongly remind one of Lord Buddha’s interdiction against ,“Miracle-working”. Yet according to the popular view Lord Buddha worked many a miracle. These apparent self-contradictions in Buddha and Krishna have their explanation and some attempt will be made in later chapter to offer some hints on the subject. Here it is enough to say that Baba was referring to certain facts as fixed by superhuman agency, which man has to accept and face. He was frequently saying in the words of Kabir, ‘You must be content with the lot assigned to you by God.” “Have Faith and Patience”. Baba taught both by example and precept that real happiness and success in life here and hereafter come to the man who grasps not, but renounces, who surrenders all his will to his God and Guru. Baba helped his sincere devotees to make this surrender, by attending to every want of theirs, once they tried to make their surrender or even started making it. Did not Krishna say that he attends to the welfare of those who surrender themselves and think solely of Him at all times with complete faith?

If Sai Baba is known to and worshipped by thousands , nay ,tens of thousands to be correct, to their great temporal and spiritual advantage today, the credit is in no small measure due to the late Narayan Govind Chandorkar, commonly known as Nana Saheb.
Born in a well-to-do family of pious Brahmin Parents, he quickly graduated and entering Government service, rapidly rose to the position of the personal Assistant to the Collector in 1887. Shortly thereafter came to him the call from Baba which entirely transformed his life.
The First Call :
One day when he was camping at Kopergaon, for Jama-bandi, Appa, a village officer of Shirdi, came and told him that Sai Baba wanted him to call at Shirdi. This message was disbelieved as Nana Saheb had never seen Baba and had nothing to do with him. Appa was ridiculed and Nana added that even if there was a real call, he was not prepared to go , to Shirdi. Baba repeated his message a second time with the same result. Sibylline Baba sent his message for the third time and Nana came at last to see him at last. After prostrating himself at Baba's feet and presenting him with some almond and candied sugar, Nana asked why he had been sent for. Baba said "Nana, there are so many in the world. Do I send for them? You and I have been connected with each other for four generations. You are not aware of that fact. But I am. Be visiting me when time permits".
Nana went back, somewhat impressed by Baba's weird knowledge of prenatal history, but fancied that Baba and his powers had little to do with his own present life. The seed of faith had been sown , however and was gently developing unperceived. Baba was not the person to neglect the plant he himself sowed.
A Safe Guide :
When plague broke out in Bombay, inoculation was the only known preventive and Collectors of various districts were keen on its spread. But this prophylactic being a new discovery there was a widspread apprehension that it might to harm and in order to induce the general public to submit to it, officials and other men of position were called upon to set an example by inoculating themselves. Nana Saheb had his fears. Then it struck him that Sri Sai Baba would be the safest guide for him to consult. When he went to Shirdi, Baba assured him that there was absolutely nothing to fear and bade him to go in for inoculation. Thus encouraged, Nana Saheb got inoculated and strange to say, there was neither fever nor swelling, nor any other harm. Encouraged by his example, large numbers of the intelligentia and in their wake, an appreciable section of the general public, submitted to inoculation and obtained immunity from the epidemic. Nana's faith in Baba was strengthened and his visits to Shirdi became more frequent.
Stranded on a Hill:
Sometime later, Nana Saheb went up a barren shadeless, waterless hill , known as Harischandra Hill. When he ,was half-way up,the scorching heat of summer told on his system and he felt the pangs of thirst. But there was no water to be seen near and no shade to rest under. He sat on a rock and exclaimed that if Sri Sai Baba were present there, he would surely provide him with water. A friend by his side reminded him that "ifs" were no use, that-Sri SaiBaba was at Shirdi scores of miles away and that he should try and get up to walk up or walk down. But poor Nana Saheb was unable to move even a few steps.
Just at this juncture Sri Sai Baba was seated at his mosque at Shirdi.He remarked to those present, "What shall we do? Nana is thirsty. He is panting for water and the heat (of summer) is great. A little water at least must Be given to him".None of the listeners understood , the exact implication of what Baba spoken.
The Relief:
On the Hill, Nana Saheb, after a short spell of complete silence, looked up and saw a Bhil passing by ."Well my friend" , cried Nana, "I am very thirsty. Can a little water be had here to drink?" "Dear!" replied the Bhil "under the very rock you are sitting upon, water is available''. And the Bhil went away. Nana's friends then, with much effort pushed away the rock he sat on and lo! there was under it was potable water just enough to quench one man's thirst. How could any one have known of its presence there? None could discover how and when that water got there. Nana felt that Baba must have provided it.
Some days later Nana went to-Shirdi and Baba's first words to him were: "What Nana did you get water?" Nana shed tears of joy and his faith was greatly strengthened. People there told him of Baba's reference to him and his thirst on that memorable day, Nana placed himself thenceforward, entirely under Baba's protection and was often thinking of him.
If Sai Baba is known to and worshipped by thousands , nay ,tens of thousands to be correct, to their great temporal and spiritual advantage today, the credit is in no small measure due to the late Narayan Govind Chandorkar, commonly known as Nana Saheb.
Born in a well-to-do family of pious Brahmin Parents, he quickly graduated and entering Government service, rapidly rose to the position of the personal Assistant to the Collector in 1887. Shortly thereafter came to him the call from Baba which entirely transformed his life.
The First Call :
One day when he was camping at Kopergaon, for Jama-bandi, Appa, a village officer of Shirdi, came and told him that Sai Baba wanted him to call at Shirdi. This message was disbelieved as Nana Saheb had never seen Baba and had nothing to do with him. Appa was ridiculed and Nana added that even if there was a real call, he was not prepared to go , to Shirdi. Baba repeated his message a second time with the same result. Sibylline Baba sent his message for the third time and Nana came at last to see him at last. After prostrating himself at Baba's feet and presenting him with some almond and candied sugar, Nana asked why he had been sent for. Baba said "Nana, there are so many in the world. Do I send for them? You and I have been connected with each other for four generations. You are not aware of that fact. But I am. Be visiting me when time permits".
Nana went back, somewhat impressed by Baba's weird knowledge of prenatal history, but fancied that Baba and his powers had little to do with his own present life. The seed of faith had been sown , however and was gently developing unperceived. Baba was not the person to neglect the plant he himself sowed.
A Safe Guide :
When plague broke out in Bombay, inoculation was the only known preventive and Collectors of various districts were keen on its spread. But this prophylactic being a new discovery there was a widspread apprehension that it might to harm and in order to induce the general public to submit to it, officials and other men of position were called upon to set an example by inoculating themselves. Nana Saheb had his fears. Then it struck him that Sri Sai Baba would be the safest guide for him to consult. When he went to Shirdi, Baba assured him that there was absolutely nothing to fear and bade him to go in for inoculation. Thus encouraged, Nana Saheb got inoculated and strange to say, there was neither fever nor swelling, nor any other harm. Encouraged by his example, large numbers of the intelligentia and in their wake, an appreciable section of the general public, submitted to inoculation and obtained immunity from the epidemic. Nana's faith in Baba was strengthened and his visits to Shirdi became more frequent.
Stranded on a Hill:
Sometime later, Nana Saheb went up a barren shadeless, waterless hill , known as Harischandra Hill. When he ,was half-way up,the scorching heat of summer told on his system and he felt the pangs of thirst. But there was no water to be seen near and no shade to rest under. He sat on a rock and exclaimed that if Sri Sai Baba were present there, he would surely provide him with water. A friend by his side reminded him that "ifs" were no use, that-Sri SaiBaba was at Shirdi scores of miles away and that he should try and get up to walk up or walk down. But poor Nana Saheb was unable to move even a few steps.
Just at this juncture Sri Sai Baba was seated at his mosque at Shirdi.He remarked to those present, "What shall we do? Nana is thirsty. He is panting for water and the heat (of summer) is great. A little water at least must Be given to him".None of the listeners understood , the exact implication of what Baba spoken.
The Relief:
On the Hill, Nana Saheb, after a short spell of complete silence, looked up and saw a Bhil passing by ."Well my friend" , cried Nana, "I am very thirsty. Can a little water be had here to drink?" "Dear!" replied the Bhil "under the very rock you are sitting upon, water is available''. And the Bhil went away. Nana's friends then, with much effort pushed away the rock he sat on and lo! there was under it was potable water just enough to quench one man's thirst. How could any one have known of its presence there? None could discover how and when that water got there. Nana felt that Baba must have provided it.
Some days later Nana went to-Shirdi and Baba's first words to him were: "What Nana did you get water?" Nana shed tears of joy and his faith was greatly strengthened. People there told him of Baba's reference to him and his thirst on that memorable day, Nana placed himself thenceforward, entirely under Baba's protection and was often thinking of him.

One remarkable feature of Sri Sai Baba's life was the , "insistent demand for money, dakshina, from his devotees.
Never, of course, was the money kept by him.It would immediately be distributed.
The money was generally asked from the rich but what was Sai Baba's aim? Judge Saheb nitrates in his reminiscences, the following incident, stressing also its moral.
"Once I had taken 100 rupees with me to , Shirdi in my" , pocket. Sai Baba asked me for dakshina of Rs 40.I readily gave it. A little later he asked for another 40 rupees and that too was given with equal readiness and joy. Finally, he asked me for the remaining twenty and that also I gave him. I was happy to give him although I was left without a paise in the result.
Go and Borrow :
"Then again Baba sent for me and asked me , for dakshina. I said I had nothing to give. Then he suggested that I shouid go and get money from some others.I agreed but told Baba that if he should indicate whom I was to go to, I would gladly go and ask him.Baba said , "Go to Shama".' I went to him and told him what took place and asked him for money.
He replied that , " I had not understood Baba alright.Does Baba care a rap for your rupees?
No, what he wants is your mind and heart, your time and soul to be devoted to him That is his meaning". I went back to Baba and reported what Shama had said.
Then Baba smiled and said "Go to Dixit and ask him'' , I went to Mr. Dixit and told him of what Baba had bidding me. to do. He,then replied that Baba's direction to me had to be understood in the circumstances as a lesson to me that I should not feel absence of money or the begging for money or for anything else to be a humiliation and that I should not esteem myself to be above begging
Wordly Wisdom :
I went back and reported. Dixits reply to Baba. He smiled and then asked me to go to Nana Saheb Chandorkars and ask him for a loan. I went to Khandobas temple where Nana Saheb was reading some religious books and told him all. that .had .occurred and Baba's.order that I should approach him for. money. Nana Saheb at once showed his worldly wisdom. He said that he knew how delicate the situation was when Baba asked for dakshina and that I should profit by his plans and ways. "Whenever I go to Shirdi, he said, 'I start with a certain sum, and leave a half at Kopergaon e.g., on this occasion I came with Rs. 200, out of which I have left 103 rupees at Kopergaon and come down to Shirdi with only 100 rupees. I go on giving dakshina out of the stock in hand to Baba and when it is exhausted, I send for the reserve at Kopergaon. You must act like this".
Put to the Test :
"I went back to Baba and told him what Nana said. While I sat there, Baba sent for Nana and asked him for dakshina Rs. 40. He paid it and went away. Again he sent for him and asked for 40 rupees more. That was paid and again Nana was sent for and the last amount was paid up and at once he sent some one to Kopergaon for his reserve fund. Then Baba at once wanted more. Nana felt humiliated at having to say 'no' as there was no time for the Kopergaon reserve to arrive. The lesson that was then taught to him, to me, and to all was that it was presumption on the part of any one to think that he himself was the great Providence supplying the needs of Baba, or that anyone could supply all that Baba might ask for".
"Thus Baba showed me how differently the demand for dakshina was interpreted by devotees. The real explanation of Baba's demand in this case was not what Shama, Dixit or Nana said it was. It was evidently to teach a lesson to all of us. Baba really cared nothing for money or for presents. What he really wanted was love, deep, intense, passionate, whole-hearted love".
One remarkable feature of Sri Sai Baba's life was the , "insistent demand for money, dakshina, from his devotees.
Never, of course, was the money kept by him.It would immediately be distributed.
The money was generally asked from the rich but what was Sai Baba's aim? Judge Saheb nitrates in his reminiscences, the following incident, stressing also its moral.
"Once I had taken 100 rupees with me to , Shirdi in my" , pocket. Sai Baba asked me for dakshina of Rs 40.I readily gave it. A little later he asked for another 40 rupees and that too was given with equal readiness and joy. Finally, he asked me for the remaining twenty and that also I gave him. I was happy to give him although I was left without a paise in the result.
Go and Borrow :
"Then again Baba sent for me and asked me , for dakshina. I said I had nothing to give. Then he suggested that I shouid go and get money from some others.I agreed but told Baba that if he should indicate whom I was to go to, I would gladly go and ask him.Baba said , "Go to Shama".' I went to him and told him what took place and asked him for money.
He replied that , " I had not understood Baba alright.Does Baba care a rap for your rupees?
No, what he wants is your mind and heart, your time and soul to be devoted to him That is his meaning". I went back to Baba and reported what Shama had said.
Then Baba smiled and said "Go to Dixit and ask him'' , I went to Mr. Dixit and told him of what Baba had bidding me. to do. He,then replied that Baba's direction to me had to be understood in the circumstances as a lesson to me that I should not feel absence of money or the begging for money or for anything else to be a humiliation and that I should not esteem myself to be above begging
Wordly Wisdom :
I went back and reported. Dixits reply to Baba. He smiled and then asked me to go to Nana Saheb Chandorkars and ask him for a loan. I went to Khandobas temple where Nana Saheb was reading some religious books and told him all. that .had .occurred and Baba's.order that I should approach him for. money. Nana Saheb at once showed his worldly wisdom. He said that he knew how delicate the situation was when Baba asked for dakshina and that I should profit by his plans and ways. "Whenever I go to Shirdi, he said, 'I start with a certain sum, and leave a half at Kopergaon e.g., on this occasion I came with Rs. 200, out of which I have left 103 rupees at Kopergaon and come down to Shirdi with only 100 rupees. I go on giving dakshina out of the stock in hand to Baba and when it is exhausted, I send for the reserve at Kopergaon. You must act like this".
Put to the Test :
"I went back to Baba and told him what Nana said. While I sat there, Baba sent for Nana and asked him for dakshina Rs. 40. He paid it and went away. Again he sent for him and asked for 40 rupees more. That was paid and again Nana was sent for and the last amount was paid up and at once he sent some one to Kopergaon for his reserve fund. Then Baba at once wanted more. Nana felt humiliated at having to say 'no' as there was no time for the Kopergaon reserve to arrive. The lesson that was then taught to him, to me, and to all was that it was presumption on the part of any one to think that he himself was the great Providence supplying the needs of Baba, or that anyone could supply all that Baba might ask for".
"Thus Baba showed me how differently the demand for dakshina was interpreted by devotees. The real explanation of Baba's demand in this case was not what Shama, Dixit or Nana said it was. It was evidently to teach a lesson to all of us. Baba really cared nothing for money or for presents. What he really wanted was love, deep, intense, passionate, whole-hearted love".

Sri Sai Baba had devotees belonging to all races, and Invariably all felt quite at case in his presence. He advised people to advance along path congenial to themselves; and invariably, he dissuaded intolerance. Sometimes he pronounced or got some one to pronounce fatia over Hindu offerings also. There was , as a rule , no sharp distinction or antagonism between the devotion of Hindu and Mohammedans to him. There were, however, some exceptions. One of these, Judge Saheb mentions in his reminiscences.
"About 1916 two "Rohillas" came to Shirdi and became devoted to Sri Sai Baba. The elder one was constantly with Baba and used to read the Koran at night, especially sitting at the feet of Baba".
Music in Mosque :
"He declared that Baba was Paygambar, (i.e. Prophet) and showed great reverence. At times he said that though Baba was Paygambar, he was still teaching heterodox doctrines. Baba's allowing the din of noon day Arati with its music in the mosque, allowing himself to be worshipped as God there and partaking of food offered to idols were highly heterodox and the rohilla mentioned his objections to Baba. But Baba only smiled and said, "All that (i.e. other Gods) is Allah". This was one of Baba's moods. In some moods, he would say: "We are all the creatures of God-Allah". In other moods, he would say: "I am God".
Taught a Lesson :
"This, of course, was extreme heterodoxy in the Rohilla's view. So one day he declared that, although Sri Sai Baba was Paygambar, yet his doctrine was wrong and so he would make short work of Baba and his doctrine. As Sri Sai Baba was going out walking, the Rohilla came up from behind with a stout club in his right hand and reached striking distance. Baba turned towards him and seizing his left wrist cast a glance at him, beneath which the poor Rohilla covered and sank like a lump of lead, powerless to lift his club or even to lift himself. Baba left him there and went away. Meanwhile as he could not get up, that man had to be raised up with some one's help. In a few days, he took leave of Baba and left Shirdi".
"Of course, intolerance was not confined to this Muslim devotee. There were some Hindu devotees, who exhibited the same trait but Baba always discountenanced it".
Sri Sai Baba had devotees belonging to all races, and Invariably all felt quite at case in his presence. He advised people to advance along path congenial to themselves; and invariably, he dissuaded intolerance. Sometimes he pronounced or got some one to pronounce fatia over Hindu offerings also. There was , as a rule , no sharp distinction or antagonism between the devotion of Hindu and Mohammedans to him. There were, however, some exceptions. One of these, Judge Saheb mentions in his reminiscences.
"About 1916 two "Rohillas" came to Shirdi and became devoted to Sri Sai Baba. The elder one was constantly with Baba and used to read the Koran at night, especially sitting at the feet of Baba".
Music in Mosque :
"He declared that Baba was Paygambar, (i.e. Prophet) and showed great reverence. At times he said that though Baba was Paygambar, he was still teaching heterodox doctrines. Baba's allowing the din of noon day Arati with its music in the mosque, allowing himself to be worshipped as God there and partaking of food offered to idols were highly heterodox and the rohilla mentioned his objections to Baba. But Baba only smiled and said, "All that (i.e. other Gods) is Allah". This was one of Baba's moods. In some moods, he would say: "We are all the creatures of God-Allah". In other moods, he would say: "I am God".
Taught a Lesson :
"This, of course, was extreme heterodoxy in the Rohilla's view. So one day he declared that, although Sri Sai Baba was Paygambar, yet his doctrine was wrong and so he would make short work of Baba and his doctrine. As Sri Sai Baba was going out walking, the Rohilla came up from behind with a stout club in his right hand and reached striking distance. Baba turned towards him and seizing his left wrist cast a glance at him, beneath which the poor Rohilla covered and sank like a lump of lead, powerless to lift his club or even to lift himself. Baba left him there and went away. Meanwhile as he could not get up, that man had to be raised up with some one's help. In a few days, he took leave of Baba and left Shirdi".
"Of course, intolerance was not confined to this Muslim devotee. There were some Hindu devotees, who exhibited the same trait but Baba always discountenanced it".
I am God,

On one Guru Poornima day, numerous devotees came to Sri Sar Baba and as usual placed a book before him so that be might return it with his asirvada or blessing for them to study it with profit and benefit. Sri Sai Baba, however, took up a book brought by one man and gave it to another as he often does. On that occasion every one had a book except myself. Baba then looked at me and pointing to the books said; "In these books they want to find Brahma (God). There is however Bhrama (delusion or confusion) in them. You are all right. Do not read books - but keep me in your heart. If you harmonise head and heart, that is enough".
Judge Saheb mentions this incident in his reminiscences of Sri Sai Baba, and adds, that he has been following that advice with advantage.
"Baba did not prescribe ' ,adds the Judge Saheb, "one uniform spiritual exercise or practice for all. He suited himself to the stage, circumstances and conditions of each". "If you are a Rama Bhakta, keep to it. If you want only Allah, keep to it", was his advice.
"If I am asked what I would suggest to one who wished to find out how he (not having seen Sri Sai Baba in the flesh) could make himself a devotee of Sri Sai Baba and get his help, my answer is that he should whole-heartedly pour his heart in love to Sri Sai Baba. It is not essential that he should go to Shirdi for the purpose, though Shirdi associations are undoubtedly helpful. All that he should do is to transcend the senses and concentrate with love on Sri Sai Baba. He would certainly reach and obtain the help of Sri Sai Baba- to obtain all that he is fit to achieve or receive."
On one Guru Poornima day, numerous devotees came to Sri Sar Baba and as usual placed a book before him so that be might return it with his asirvada or blessing for them to study it with profit and benefit. Sri Sai Baba, however, took up a book brought by one man and gave it to another as he often does. On that occasion every one had a book except myself. Baba then looked at me and pointing to the books said; "In these books they want to find Brahma (God). There is however Bhrama (delusion or confusion) in them. You are all right. Do not read books - but keep me in your heart. If you harmonise head and heart, that is enough".
Judge Saheb mentions this incident in his reminiscences of Sri Sai Baba, and adds, that he has been following that advice with advantage.
"Baba did not prescribe ' ,adds the Judge Saheb, "one uniform spiritual exercise or practice for all. He suited himself to the stage, circumstances and conditions of each". "If you are a Rama Bhakta, keep to it. If you want only Allah, keep to it", was his advice.
"If I am asked what I would suggest to one who wished to find out how he (not having seen Sri Sai Baba in the flesh) could make himself a devotee of Sri Sai Baba and get his help, my answer is that he should whole-heartedly pour his heart in love to Sri Sai Baba. It is not essential that he should go to Shirdi for the purpose, though Shirdi associations are undoubtedly helpful. All that he should do is to transcend the senses and concentrate with love on Sri Sai Baba. He would certainly reach and obtain the help of Sri Sai Baba- to obtain all that he is fit to achieve or receive."
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