Sri Sai Baba's care for his devotees and their families and their number is legion-extended and still extends from the cradle to the grave, from one end of the country to the other, from sunrise, and from the most trivial to the most momentous of their affairs. A few grains are generally taken out of a boiling pot to see if the whole is boiled. A very few reported instances given hereunder will similarly serve to show the excellent help Baba has rendered in innumerable unreported cases. Baba has proclaimed such help in general terms to all devotees and in some cases avowed or alluded to the particular relief given. We shall select a few of to the latter class.
Mr. Somnath Shankar Deshpande, (C.I.D. Inspector at Poona), son of Nana Saheb Nimonkar, relates that in December 1917 he started to go to Nimon, his ancestral home where his brother's wife had been recently delivered of a child. En route, he called at Shirdi and paid his respect to Baba. In sending him away, Baba gave him udhi as usual, but added the significant words "Porala Jiva Love" i.e., "Save the child". Mr. Somnath taking this to refer to his own healthy three years boy travelling with him, gave him the udhi and left for Nimon. Soon after he reached that place, his brother's new born baby was found to be in extremis; and all hope of its life was given up. Then it struck him that Baba's parting words referred to this child and he looked for the udhi. But it was not to be found. Then taking the baby on his own lap, he intently prayed to Baba. In 15 minutes, the child began to revive and was at last restored to health. How kind of Baba to think of a devotee's child some 30 miles away from Shirdi and to take steps to save its life.
Had Sitaram Dixit, a well-known solicitor of Bombay and an ex. M.L.C., gave up all his public and professional activities and surrendered himself entirely to Baba, and made Shirdi his own abode. One morning when he bowed at Baba's feet at the mosque, the later told him "Arre Kaka tula kalji Kasuli? Sagoli Kalji Mala ahe" i.e., Why should you have any anxiety or care? All the responsibility is mine. Mr. Dixit felt that Baba was extending his all powerful wings to protect him and his, and expressed assent saying, "True, Baba. All care is yours". He had no inkling then that there was any particular incident or circumstance which called for Baba's help at that time. But going to Ville Parle, his own home, soon after, he discovered what took place on the very day that Baba spoke to him the above words. His little daughter was playing in the ball. In a corner was an almirah with glass shutters.That fell upon the child. Glass articles and metallic toys were inside the cupboard. But what was the result of that fall? All these articles appeared to have been lifted up and placed by the side of the child. Nothing hurt her. She merely broke her own glass bangles and had a slight scratch in consequence!
To Believe That Gyan And Bhakti, Knowledge And Devotion Are Different From Each Other Is Ignorance ; As Gyan And Bhakti Are One And The Same.To Promote Sai Bhakti Is To Promote Gyan And Therefore The Removal Of Agyan Or Ignorance. It Is Therefore Duty Of Every Sai Bhakt To Share And Spread Their Knowledge About Baba. |
25 January 2009
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